Many world leaders have turned their heads and refused to acknowledge the state of the refugee crisis. Their lack of knowledge and rash decisions to close borders and not aide has cost the refugees more than we know. No where to live, no where to work; they are unable to restart their lives. However, one man came up with an idea to make countries believe that refugees are not a burden, but an asset. According to Alexander Betts, a better way to resettle refugees, is to match their skills with areas in which they can benefit. “We often send engineers to rural areas and farmers to cities, which makes no sense at all," Betts says.In order for this process to work, refugees would rank where they would want to be placed, and the states/countries could rank the certain criteria they want from a refugee. It’s basically a dating website but it betters the lives of refugees worldwide. Having this process in tact ultimately eliminates the negative stereotype that refugees are “taking away our country’s jobs” or “they are just living off of our good graces,” and allows the refugees to start a new life with the skills they know.